what is your finish face look like (Read 6519 times)


    I think I'm trying to recreate the classic Riggs photo here. Close race for third place in a dinky local 5k race tonight. The guy on the left was right behind me all the back from the turnaround, only passing me with about 400 m to go. I passed him back yards from the line (I think that's what I'm staring at) by using a more ferocious expression.

    Goal: Age grade over 80% on a certified course.


         Blimey O'Reilly!


        MTA: I'm glad I'm seeing the front view and not the back!


        PR's 5K: 18:37, 10K: 39:51, 15K: 58:18, Half Marathon: 1:25:51 Marathon 3:19:15

        2017 Goal: getting fit and lean again, before it's too late!


        Self anointed title



          I sort of expected bhearn to have a pipe in his mouth.




             Blimey O'Reilly!


            MTA: I'm glad I'm seeing the front view and not the back!

             Oh no, the back view is divine!  Blush


            Runners run


              I kept having to cut in front of that poor woman finishing behind me. I followed the tangents; she didn't.

                So, is there a story behind this photo, or are you just going to leave us dangling?

                "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                -- Dick LeBeau


                  The story is over in the swamp. This was Bay to Breakers. Enough said, maybe?


                    I think he just wanted to write 'dangling'



                       Oh no, the back view is divine!  Blush


                      Yup.  A lucky few got to see the close ups.  (And there is nothing to the back of what he is wearing.)


                      The important part:  He was the first bare-assed finisher at Bay to Breakers.  Woo-hoo!

                      I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart



                        The Krusteaz pancake wept.



                          Wow, I think I killed the thread. Like breaking the camera lens. Yes, be glad I didn't post some of the other Bay to Breakers pics.


                          OK, here's the first finish photo I'm aware of where I'm sticking out my tongue. White River 50.





                            Runners run

                            Chris UK

                              I was gurning and pointing at my son-in-law ahead who had just beaten me for the first time. Oh dear!!



                              3000 miles

                              Sub 19:00 for 5K  05-03-13 Clee Prom 5K - 19:00:66 that was bloody close!

                              Sub-40:00 for 10K 17-03-13 Gainsborough 10K - 39:43

                              Sub 88:00 for HM



                                So that is 'gurning'   Big grin


                                Runners run