sciatica right leg (Read 51 times)


    I've been stretching it and resting it (only doing elliptical and walking) consistently.  Any other advice?  I don't want to take synthetic pain medications (ibuprofen, tylenol, etc) unless absolutely necessary.


      There are several stretches that can be done to help alleviate the pain.  I've had sciatica pain off and on for years, but when I keep up my stretching regimen it does keep it at bay.  I think there was another post on this that I included these stretches on - I'll try to find it.


      Couldnt find the post, but most of the stretches are here.




      For the knee to shoulder stretch, I actually pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder and then use my opposite hand to grab the ankle and extend the leg outward.


      Hope this helps and good luck.