Question about reducing weight loss (Read 105 times)


    I've been running every day for the last 4 months.

    While I can't feel any drawbacks, I lost 10 pounds in the last month. (21 pounds in 4 months.) My doctor raised it as a concern. 

    Have you experienced a similar issue? Let me know.


    I want to know:

    * How to increase calorie intake without feeling "sick" or constantly full... and...
    * How many calories I should eat in a day.

    Note: I am 16 years old and run about 7 miles each day. I weigh 110 pounds.


    I'm grateful for any advice you give.

    an amazing likeness

      Didn't you post this same question a few months ago saying you've lost 15 pounds? Now another 21 pounds.  At this rate, you'll hit negative weight soon.


      Apparently, over the last few months I lost almost 15 pounds... and there's no doubt it's because of running. 

      This is no big deal for me now... but I want to be sure I'm knowledgeable about the way running affects weight.... and how to prevent long-term, unwanted weight loss.


      Can anyone give me some tips? Or direct me to some good information? All help is greatly appreciated.

      (Note: I run about 7 miles a day. Anywhere between 4.5-8.)


      What did you find valuable or actionable in the time, effort and care people took in previous responses?

      Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

      SMART Approach

        I am less concerned about your total number than your continued losses. Do you still have your "cycle"? What is your height? What is your reason for running 50 miles a week at 16? Are you a top runner on your x country team or is there another motivation? Your weight loss is not all about running? Your health should be your priority and remember your body is still developing. Treat it well and that means eating enough good nutrition to not lose weight. More proteins and healthy fats and fruits. With your activity, 2500 calories is the minimum.

        Run Coach. Recovery Coach. Founder of SMART Approach Training, Coaching & Recovery

        Structured Marathon Adaptive Recovery Training

        Safe Muscle Activation Recovery Technique




          Did your doc check your thyroid?  A hyperthyroid condition can cause rapid weight loss, among other things.  I'd definitely get a full medical check up.


          Misinformation Officer

            You are potentially at risk for lifelong problems.

            You need to run less, and probably not at all. Your immediate and long term health may be damaged.

            I strongly encourage you to seek professional support from someone versed in helping young female athletes.


            Runs like a dj mixing songs while wearing festive outfits.
            5k PR 5/31/21 24:21 

            10k PR 5/23 54:43

            HM PR 1/2024 1:59:10

              That's a lot of weight loss, especially since you are not on starvation diet.  Some things to consider or look into:


              There is a good discussion of Female Athlete Triad in Lore of Running, by Tim Noakes, MD.  This book is THE most complete book on running.  At over 900 pages, it's not a one evening easy read, but is an excellent reference.


              A friend had unexplained weight loss.  The doctor found a thyroid problem, and got it fixed before any significant harm was done.  Unexplained weight loss can also be caused by too much exercise.  About ten years ago, I ran some 60 mile weeks.  I was unable to eat enough to maintain weight.  I only did a few of those long weeks, so total weight loss was only a few pounds.


              Fifty miles per week is too much for a 16 year old.  A coworker's son was a high school runner.  Multiple college coaches were competing to offer him a full ride athletic college scholarship after he came in sixth at state.  The coaches were not interested in the young man who came in first, because that boy did it by running 70 miles per week.  The one who came in sixth ran 30 miles per week in his senior year, and ran only 6 months per year, and played hockey the other 6 months.  Thirty miles per week was enough to show his ability, hockey is excellent cross training for running, and hockey is a team sport that showed he would listen to the coach.  The college coach said that he would be running 45 miles per week at first, ramping up to 70 miles per week in his senior year, which would result in some serious speed.  He ended up setting some school records.  Seventy miles per week in high school had  that student at his peak, with no room for improvement in college.  Running too much at an early age can permanently prevent you from reaching your ultimate best performance.  I recommend reducing your mileage to 20-25 miles per week, and slowly increasing to 30 miles per week in your senior year. 


                Hello! If you really didn't intend to lose weight, then this is a reason to reflect and rethink your way of life. In accordance with the principles of weight loss, and the process of losing weight from the random study sites, as well as how long does take to lose weight from healthline, your weight loss is too much for such a period of time. I agree with the people above - you should either reduce the amount of running in your life or balance it out. Of course, this will initially feel in your life, as if something is missing. But the thought that your body is exhausted and it has "nothing" to cling to and it just wastes weight. How is your food and sleep? These are also very important factors. I wonder why you went to the doctor, were there any problems?