Hello -- 74 Year Old Male Walker Checking In (Read 48 times)


    After listening to my doctor telling me "I'm too old now", I decided I would try to get back into it anyway I'm pretty healthy, except for my posture (I keep looking down as I walk) which comes as the result of an old rotator cuff injury) and, since it has been 10 years since I have been on a track, and 1991 since I ran the Atlanta Marathon, I find myself a bit unsteady on my feet sometimes.


    I don't know if I should expect that or maybe I just need some more time walking (It's been only 3 weeks), but whenever I meet a bicycist on the path (The Carrollton, GA "Greenbelt"), I come to a complete stop, give the cyclist a stupid grin and tell them, "It's not you, it's me!" That generally gets a laugh, and I think they figure out by looking at me what the problem is.


    My reason for posting here is to ask if anyone else has a problem like this, and is there anything except more time that will solve this unsteadiness problem? Or are there shoes that will help me? I pronate as well.


    I would like to see if there's any possibility of me running The Peachtree Road Race at least once more and maybe a half, but even though I am losing my cognitive functions, I haven't gone completely Bat-Poop crazy. I just always loved running and I am a retired musician - drummer - so my calves still look muscular.


    Thanks for allowing me this space to post my message, and I look forward to your replies.




    Not an 80%er

      Welcome aboard!

      I'm guessing you have a bit of balance problems at times ? I suppose that could be the result of losing muscle mass over the years.

      I suppose over time it will improve.

      We do have other runners of similar age on this board, they probably will be better at providing you advice.

      Hailing @WCRunner and @LongBoat

      PRs: 1500 4:54.1 2019 - 5K 17:53 2023 - 10K 37:55 2023 - HM 1:21:59 2021

      Up next: some 800m race (or time trials)

      Tool to generate Strava weekly


      Runs in the rain

        Hello wolkenlaufer! I am of similar age, I'll turn 73 in June. I had people telling me I'm too old to run a marathon 25 years ago! My doctor, who is a cyclist, has been very encouraging about the health benifits of my running. I've not had issues with balance when walking or running, but noticed some unsteadyness when standing on one foot to put on pants or socks. With more exercise to strengthen the legs I find my balance has improved! Of course if your problem stems from your inner ear sense of balance, then strong legs will not help. Right now I'm doing physical therapy to help with a knee injury, but long term plans are to run more full marathons!

        Long distance runner, what you standin' there for?
        Get up, get out, get out of the door!


          My thanks to both of you for the replies, and Altair5, best of luck with re-habbing that knee. Let your therapist be your best friend! I owe one fully-healed tibia and arm to PT. They are wonderful folks.

            I'm 72, and have been running for 20 years.  Old age decrepitude is setting in, but while I can still put my socks on standing on one foot, it's getting more challenging every year.  There was a time about 25-30 years ago when I got out of shape, and needed to sit down to put my socks on.  My own opinion is that balancing problems are a combination of fitness and reaction time.  Keep working on the fitness, and your balancing should improve.


            Any doctor that says you are too old is a quack.  Tell him to search "Gladys Burrill", then read Joe Friel's book Fast After 50.  Joe Friel is a triathlete who wrote the book based on solid research plus his experience coaching senior athletes.  He makes a strong case for getting in some hard workouts at our age.  Especially at our age.  Read that book, then find another doctor.


              Thank you, JR. I just got in from my walk and wanted to post you right away, because I am still unsteady going downhill and I'm happy to know that this will improve. This being a "path", a lot of vegetation grows near it and one has to watch one's head, so as not to pick any "wildlife" from grazing the leaves.


              I will look for the books you recommended, and wanted to tell you I am with you on getting out of breath putting on socks/shoes. I never want to go back to that -- ever. Also, no more bouncing on the bed to launch myself to a standing position. 😉


              Thanks again!




                For your responses, I am grateful; and Altair5, I wish you the best of luck when you have knee reconstruction. Turn your therapist into a trusted companion! My PT helped repair my arm and one tibia. Those people are lovely.  geometry dash