Training with trail running shoes... (Read 115 times)


    I couldn't think of a good title. Sorry. Not sure where to put this.

    There is a Tough Mudder (5k) coming up and a marathon/half marathon/5k two weeks after. Now, the questions:

    I am training for the Tough Mudder and the 5k with trail running shoes. Should I switch them out with my regular running shoes? In other words, alternate days? Or should I just drop one of the activities? I would have said races but Tough Mudder is not a race (well, not most of them anyway).

    Note: Tough Mudder is my goal. Will be volunteering during a Saturday event. And taking my turn the next day. Why volunteer? So I can see how it is set up & where the 5k starts and ends.

      Wear a variety of shoes for training. Do some race-specific stuff in your trail shoes, like messed muddy trails and grass.

      60-64 age group  -  University of Oregon alumni  -  Irreverent and Annoying

        Wear a variety of shoes for training. Do some race-specific stuff in your trail shoes, like messed muddy trails and grass.



        Prince of Fatness

          I use trail shoes anytime I’ll be on a surface that requires traction. That’s mostly trails, but could also be snowy or icy conditions. All other times I use regular shoes. 

          So my suggestion would be to wear the appropriate footwear for the conditions and if you’re training for a race that has specific conditions make sure that a fair amount of training is spent in those conditions.

          Not at it at all. 


            I use trail shoes anytime I’ll be on a surface that requires traction. That’s mostly trails, but could also be snowy or icy conditions. All other times I use regular shoes. 

            So my suggestion would be to wear the appropriate footwear for the conditions and if you’re training for a race that has specific conditions make sure that a fair amount of training is spent in those conditions.



            Runners run

            Half Crazy K 2.0

              I use trail shoes anytime I’ll be on a surface that requires traction. That’s mostly trails, but could also be snowy or icy conditions. All other times I use regular shoes. 

              So my suggestion would be to wear the appropriate footwear for the conditions and if you’re training for a race that has specific conditions make sure that a fair amount of training is spent in those conditions.




              I find some trail shoes are really not good on pavement. If your trail shoes are ones that are really good in muddy conditions, they will likely not do well on pavement.



                Overweight per CDC BMI

                  spam post in quote block...


                    Trail shoes can be used on the road and road shoes can be used on the trail.  Thank you for volunteering.   Races could not exist without volunteers (unless fees are doubled).

                    12-23  Last One Standing  -  Finished 102 miles

                    2- 24 Grandmaster 100 - 22:32, 1st place

                    4-24. Cappy's Backyard - 17 yards, 1st place

                    5-24  Bryce 100 - 29:38, 18th place




                      Bravo to the author for such a well-written post. Solar