I need to lift heavy things over my head (Read 211 times)

Village people

    I am trying to pass my captains test so I can take a boat out and row on my own. I have all the on water stuff down but I am having trouble carrying the boat on my own. I can manage it a bit but I have to carry it up a little hill and down a wire gangplank. It isn’t super heavy but kind of awkward. Lifting and carrying things over head is my weakness. I have someone going to help me with technique but in the meantime I should work on strength. Any suggestions?


      Is lifting the boat part of the test?  That seems crazy.


      Assuming it is not, why not come up with an easier way to move the boat?  Maybe wheels of some sort.

      Village people

        Is lifting the boat part of the test?  That seems crazy.


        Assuming it is not, why not come up with an easier way to move the boat?  Maybe wheels of some sort.


        It is part of the test and it makes sense. I need to be able to move the boat down to the dock and bring it back. The boats are pretty expensive and I wouldn’t want to drop one. The club would be letting me take out their boats.


          Military press with dumbbells.


            A medicine ball would provide the necessary weight and awkwardness. It's soft enough to allow you to rest it on your sholders without bringing it all the way down when fatigued, allowing you to press it right back overhead when rested. A 20 lb one should work.



              A medicine ball would provide the necessary weight and awkwardness. It's soft enough to allow you to rest it on your sholders without bringing it all the way down when fatigued, allowing you to press it right back overhead when rested. A 20 lb one should work.

              Makes me tired and my arms sore just thinking about doing that. LOL!

              Half Fanatic #9292. 

              Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

                Clean and jerk, at least the jerk part. While the military press w/dumbells is good suggestion, with the jerk you use your whole body (more or less) to get the weight overhead, much as I assume you would do in your test. Also, after getting the weight up, walk a few laps around the gym floor.


                Good luck.

                Village people

                  Some great ideas, thank you.


                    Captain D Jan Jan


                      You don't have to lift the boat above your head to carry it. I carry mine waist high. Much easier than lifting it over head as well as being more controlled when you bring it down to place it.


                      Old , Ugly and slow

                        I agree with dumbbell presses

                        get some adjustable ones so that you can increase the weight

                        first race sept 1977 last race sept 2007


                        2019  goals   1000  miles  , 190 pounds , deadlift 400 touch my toes

                        Village people

                          Captain D Jan Jan




                          I can manage better on my side but I am not sure I can make it down the gang plank. That might be my best bet. Thanks


                            Sandbag workout.   Rep Fitness has a great deal on sandbags.


                              How did the captain's test go?

                              Village people

                                How did the captain's test go?

                                Thanks for asking. My summer rowing was cut short with some kid stuff and I kind of talked myself out of trying. Just getting to the river was a drive. Our local club has a quad that we can use on a local lake after Labor Day. It can be a goal for winter but I did manage a 10km row near the end and my steering improved a lot!
