A 5k PR after 3 years (Read 253 times)

    I used to run a lot more than now. I was a member of the 2000 mile club for a 3 years in a row. My wife and I moved to St. Louis and my miles dropped because of some things.


    In February, I had hit 215 lbs, which was the highest I'd been since I began college in 2004. I typically sit around 195. A series of events led me to running less last year and gaining the weight. I sprained my SI Joint, saw a chiropractor, and had to take time off to heal. But at that point, I started trying to slim down, and by May, I had finally hit 199.


    After a busy summer, I came back and started running regularly. I finally began to get a little momentum with some 7-8 milers, some speed work, and one long run through September and October. And then I decided I would run the 5k I last ran in December 2010...the last race I ran.


    We got about 1 1/2 inches of snow in the past two days, but the greenway was clear. Unfortunately it was 10 degrees at the start of the race.


    It was a great race for me. The course was marked short, just as it was in 2010 when I ran an 18:41 (for 2.95 miles = around 19:40 for the 5k). Today, the course marked 3.03 miles. I finished in 18:50, which by my calculations would be about a 19:20 5k.

    Mile 1: 6:18
    Mile 2: 6:17
    Mile 3: 6:04

    Started off with a pack, but 1/2 a mile in was 6th and passed the two people to move me to 4th. Stayed steady on the gas and ran my own race. Around the 2 mile mark, I began to push to catch up to the 3rd place guy...he was like my dad's age and I didn't want that hanging over my head... Smile

    I pushed hard and with about .4 miles left, I passed the guy. Finished about 30 seconds back from first. 

    Finish time was 18:50 on the course. Conversion calculators push that to a 19:20 5k, which is a 21 second PR for me.

    Next up will be finding a local 5k in February or March to try and break the 19 minute mark through the spring. I honestly felt like I could have pushed just a little bit harder, but with not racing for 3 years, I didn't know where I was. I think this was the confidence I needed.

    3rd overall, 2nd of men, 1st in 19-29 age group.

    Yep, I got beat by a girl...she ran a heck of a race.

      I wouldn't worry too much about it. I get beaten by girls pretty frequently.


        is she a elite? her time? If no you should worry.


          Congrats.  Good comeback race!

          - Joe

          We are fragile creatures on collision with our judgment day.

          Gang Name "Pound Cake"

            Around the 2 mile mark, I began to push to catch up to the 3rd place guy...he was like my dad's age and I didn't want that hanging over my head... Smile


            Hey now! I'm your dad's age and I resent that. 

            - Scott

            2014 Goals: First Marathon - BQ2016 <3:40 (3:25:18) - 1/2M <1:45 - 5K <22:00

            2014 Marathons: 05/04 Flying Pig (3:49:02) - 09/20 Air Force (BQ 3:25:18) - 11/01 Indianapolis Monumental


               Hey now! I'm your dad's age and I resent that. 


              p.s., +1  :-)


              Nice Lewis quote, Scott.  I didn't know that one!

              - Joe

              We are fragile creatures on collision with our judgment day.

                Thanks all, moving onto my next race I'm trying to figure out how to run a more consistent race. I love the PR for sure, but with 6:04 on the last mile, I'm trying to figure out if going out at around a 6:08 or so is going to fare better or if that is too quick.


                Taking this much time off from racing sucks, but it's fun to come back with a nice interest to jump back in.


                (And you guys aren't my dad's age.....he's got at least 3 years on you.  Wink

                pedaling fool

                  ...It was a great race for me. The course was marked short, just as it was in 2010 when I ran an 18:41 (for 2.95 miles = around 19:40 for the 5k). Today, the course marked 3.03 miles. I finished in 18:50, which by my calculations would be about a 19:20 5k.


                  Is this common? Just seems like if they are having running event the course should be what they say it is.


                    Is this common? Just seems like if they are having running event the course should be what they say it is.


                    I've had it happen a few times to me.


                    A 10k I ran was over 6.5 miles.


                    I've run the 5k twice and it was 2 different lengths.


                    For me, I was just trying to do a checkup. It's a small town race for a benefit, so I try not to get too bent out of shape - but I get it -- it can be frustrating.


                       I've run the 5k twice and it was 2 different lengths.


                      GPS watches are not completely accurate.  Mine measures the same run differently almost every time.  You may have also run the tangents differently than the previous years race.  Was the course the same?


                        GPS watches are not completely accurate.  Mine measures the same run differently almost every time.  You may have also run the tangents differently than the previous years race.  Was the course the same?


                        Nope, they lengthened it.


                        First year was 2.95, this year was 3.03. It is not a certified course. Again, not concerned on it.


                        rather be sprinting

                          Just want to say a huge congratulations and THANK YOU for giving me hope--I set my 5k PR last year and have been battling injury (including SI joint inflammation) ever since.  It's inspiring to hear you really can come back.  How'd you build back up so well?


                          Also, nice splits.  Well done and I am happy for you.

                          PRs: 5k 19:25, mile 5:38, HM 1:30:56

                          Lifting PRs: bench press 125lb, back squat 205 lb, deadlift 245lb

                            yes very nice comeback race!  should get better from here-barring any injuries

                              -I set my 5k PR last year and have been battling injury (including SI joint inflammation) ever since.  


                              same here.  5k pr 7/4/13 & then a series of nagging little injuries holding me back just enough to where I can do about 75% of what I would like to do in training.   currently having more than moderate pain in left foot, think it's PF trying to come back & haunt me again.  taking a few extra days off right now.

                                mrakers, happy for ya.  I think you can run 18:30 in 2014.  Definitely.

                                "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus
