what is your finish face look like (Read 6519 times)


    Vinegar Strokes


    Vinegar Strokes

    We are the music makers,

        And we are the dreamers of dreams,

    Wandering by lone sea-breakers,

        And sitting by desolate streams; 

    World-losers and world-forsakers,

        On whom the pale moon gleams:

    Yet we are the movers and shakers

        Of the world for ever, it seems.

      These are my favorites. My first sub-4 and also my first BQ.

      This was very close to the finish:



      And this one was just before the line:

      PRs: 5K: 21:25, 10K: 44:05, HM: 1:38:23* (downhill), M: 3:32:09





          Big grin  Singing opera arias at the finish?


          Runners run

            Bob looks ready for nap in that picture.


              Yeah, funny how much all-out effort looks like a yawn.


                Bob looks ready for nap in that picture.


                I think I yawned just looking at it.

                  Beards make all the difference: a case study.


                  The end of a half marathon in April.  Note that I look like I am going to cry.


                  And the end of a 50K this past weekend.

                  "When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem." 
                  Emil Zatopek

                    Beards make all the difference: a case study.


                    The end of a half marathon in April.  Note that I look like I am going to cry.


                    And the end of a 50K this past weekend.



                    Not sure I ever congratulated you on that, man.   Great work.  

                    "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus



                      Runners run



                        Nice contrast in facial expressions.

                        Mostly harmless

                          The finish of the Frederick Running Festival HM a couple weeks ago.  My first sub 1:45 HM.


                          "It doesn’t matter how often you do it or how much you accomplish, in general, not running is a lot easier than running." - Meb Keflezighi


                            Ilene, which one is you? KIDDING!

                            But the guy is the back is clearly sandbagging, he's not working very hard. Did he just dash in from the sidelines for a photo-op?


                            Retired &  Loving It


                              Are those really both the same person? Because that guy on the bottom looks like he ready to kick some azzes...


                              Beards make all the difference: a case study.


                              The end of a half marathon in April.  Note that I look like I am going to cry.


                              And the end of a 50K this past weekend.

                              Retired &  Loving It


                                Ilene, which one is you? KIDDING!


                                There she is.




                                But the guy is the back is clearly sandbagging, he's not working very hard. Did he just dash in from the sidelines for a photo-op?


                                It's an awesome shot, but missing a little bit of context here.




                                "2 things are going to happen today 1) im going under 3 and 2) your finishing in front." The pic was def after the 26 mile marker.