what is your finish face look like (Read 6519 times)


    This year's Bay to Breakers finisher pic. I'm being kind this time and just posting a link (you're welcome). Click at your own risk.




      Argggh, My eyes, my eyes!


      That is awesome.

        This year's Bay to Breakers finisher pic. I'm being kind this time and just posting a link (you're welcome). Click at your own risk.




        My leg won't stop mooing.


        i think i've got a calf injury.


          This year's Bay to Breakers finisher pic. I'm being kind this time and just posting a link (you're welcome). Click at your own risk.



          I regret clicking on the link.

          Prince of Fatness


            Not at it at all. 


            Good Bad & The Monkey

              Bob, I must object. This thread is about your finish line Face. I did not see a face in that picture. Although arguably because I was blinded before I had the opportunity.

                No, umm, chafing?


                BTW your Garmin accessorizes very nicely.




                  "Way to make Borat look overdressed"


                  Your tag line suddenly makes a lot more sense...

                  Retired &  Loving It


                    Blush  Thank you!!



                    there must be more pics,...... it is a 12k race!


                    Runners run

                    Revenge of the Nerd

                      Bob, I must object. This thread is about your finish line Face. I did not see a face in that picture. Although arguably because I was blinded before I had the opportunity.


                      I feel sorry for the guy behind him.

                      One of these days is none of these days.

                      ~ H.G. Bohn

                        He's forcing people to pass instead of drafting.


                        You're just rebelling against the people who hang on your shoulder the whole race, right Bob?



                        I feel sorry for the guy behind him.

                        "When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem." 
                        Emil Zatopek


                           I feel sorry for the guy behind him.


                          Hey, it's just that kind of a race. The first completely naked finisher is only about a minute back. It's a tradition to run B2B naked... I'm just a bit modest.


                          MTA race report. The woman standing behind me in the seeded corral grinning ear to ear didn't share your attitude. Said she'd try hard to stay behind me.


                            there must be more pics,...... it is a 12k race!


                            Not as many as last year. The guy who runs from the seeded corral with a camera and blogs about naked fun at Bay to Breakers didn't run it this year. There is a Flickr user who takes thousands of pics every year; I'm in a few on the first page, here. (But again, I think I liked his pics last year better.)


                              No, umm, chafing?


                              BTW your Garmin accessorizes very nicely.


                              Learned my lesson last year -- yes, sequins chafe. This year BodyGlide did the trick. And thank you!

                                This cracks me up.  And I feel kind of sorry for the guy in front, busting his butt while the guy behind him thinks he's out for a picnic.


                                "...You have to have faith, to know that you can do what you want to do."  -Joseph Nzau