what is your finish face look like (Read 6519 times)

    A sub-3 picnic!

    "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

    -- Dick LeBeau


      Photobomb!  But who's bombing who?



        There are no good photos of me racing, but here's a recent finish-face-foto:


        Retired &  Loving It


          "What is your finish face look like"


          How about next time we try English....what the hell....

          "Jason is a good friend.  But not mine.  He's too ugly, stupid, and crazy."



            "What is your finish face look like"


            How about next time we try English....what the hell....


             The Chicago Manual of Style recommends that an ellipsis be formed by typing three periods, each with a space on both sides. You used 4, with no spaces. You have no style. 

            Retired &  Loving It


            old woman w/hobby


               The Chicago Manual of Style recommends that an ellipsis be formed by typing three periods, each with a space on both sides. You used 4, with no spaces. You have no style. 








                This English teacher is clapping in his head right now.



                 The Chicago Manual of Style recommends that an ellipsis be formed by typing three periods, each with a space on both sides. You used 4, with no spaces. You have no style. 

                "When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem." 
                Emil Zatopek

                  Like this photo a lot. The photo captures your triumphant spirit  going sub 1:45 with the added bonus while wearing the Boston shirt.


                  The finish of the Frederick Running Festival HM a couple weeks ago.  My first sub 1:45 HM.


                  “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” - T.S. Eliot


                  Epic Runner

                    Here's a group picture from the 80's 10k in Pasadena (and yes, the back of our shirts said "LET"  "YOU"  "DOWN", respectively)



                    And here's me finishing the Hollywood Half Marathon:


                    Do Epic Runs


                    Not dead. Yet.

                      Can you tell how much pain I am in?  Went out too fast in a 5k.  The pain started at less than a mile in and just got worse and worse.  I learned my lesson.  Smile



                      How can we know our limits if we don't test them?


                        Can you tell how much pain I am in?  Went out too fast in a 5k.  The pain started at less than a mile in and just got worse and worse.  I learned my lesson.  Smile



                        No, I cannot tell how much pain you are experiencing.  Unless your finish face is -->  Smile, in which case, it doesn't look so painful.

                        (Sorry, I can't see your photo!)

                        Not dead. Yet.

                          No, I cannot tell how much pain you are experiencing.  Unless your finish face is -->  Smile, in which case, it doesn't look so painful.

                          (Sorry, I can't see your photo!)


                          Doh!  Thanks for letting me know.  I had no idea my images couldn't be seen.  I think it should be better now.

                          How can we know our limits if we don't test them?


                            Yes, much better! I can see your pain now.


                                Awesome picture and race result! I love the throngs of cheering spectators!