what is your finish face look like (Read 6519 times)

Joann Y



    There is the link. Haha thought it went through the first time



    Could be just me.


    Ha! That picture is awesome!

    The Machine



      Could be just me.


      Ha! That picture is awesome!

      Thanks Joann!! It was 93 degrees that day and it was excruciating to run in but I set a PR at the time!

      Joann Y

        Thanks Joann!! It was 93 degrees that day and it was excruciating to run in but I set a PR at the time!


        Nice running, btw (just peeked at your log). Fast!

        The Machine

          Thanks! You are doing a great job too! Keep it up!!


          Nice running, btw (just peeked at your log). Fast!

          Joann Y

            Thanks! You are doing a great job too! Keep it up!!


            Ha! Thanks. Maybe just a smidge slower than yourself.

            The Machine


              Ha! Thanks. Maybe just a smidge slower than yourself.


              No problem!! It doesn't matter how fast you run, or how longer you run for, here in the open arena of running we don't judge each other on pace or anything els because we are all the same. Pace doesn't matter not does times. All you have to do is keep running!!


              As they say, "The miracle isn't that I finished, but had the audacity to start."


                Hey now. This is a PHOTOS thread.


                Joann Y

                  Is this a finish face? Cause you look a little too comfortable. I will not be sharing any photos thank you. Ooh wait, maybe I can find my beer mile finish face..

                  Joann Y


                    Beer mile finish face straight out of the cornfields of Indiana. See how happy beer makes me? Even when it makes me want to throw up I am happy. PR, 1st (and only) lady, 5/7 OA in 17:36   :-)


                    delicate flower

                      3/21/15 half marathon.  Hoping for more favorable conditions this year.



                        not goodAt all


                        not bad for mile 25

                          Nice, but it looks like you're holding a stogie.



                          Beer mile finish face straight out of the cornfields of Indiana. See how happy beer makes me? Even when it makes me want to throw up I am happy. PR, 1st (and only) lady, 5/7 OA in 17:36   :-)

                          Joann Y

                            Can't a lady celebrate?


                            not bad for mile 25

                              Sure, as long as they give then to all finishers.


                                Is this a finish face? Cause you look a little too comfortable. I will not be sharing any photos thank you. Ooh wait, maybe I can find my beer mile finish face..


                                Sorry. Is this better? Last year's Bay to Breakers, conveniently watermarked.