Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)


    ^ Gorgeous ^


    Ran a 10 miler on both coasts this week. Up on Mt Tamaulipas:




    Then back home on the Asbury Park boardwalk exactly 4 years since that bitch Sandy came to visit:








    Joann Y

      Lots of beautiful pictures. It's fun to see what's going on in everyone else's world.


      I went for a run today at the Palos Forest Preserve just outside of Chicago in an area called Red Gate Woods or Site A. I had an idea that Argonne National Laboratory had done some nuclear research there back in the day but I wasn't aware of the extent. I mean, in high school we liked to joke around about the white deer that used to be in the area, other than that, I hadn't given it much thought.


      Came up on this just off the main trail. Here is the Plot M nuclear waste disposal site:



      Other than the lingering thought that even though they say that it's finally cleaned up (for realz this time!) maybe it's not, it was really pretty run.



      Even had a good number of hills to climb, roots, mud, and single track which is not really heard of around here.



        Like how someone chipped off the "no" in the last line of that gravestone sign.


          It really is quite stunning!  Did you mean Mt. Tamalpais?  Looking down on Angel Island?


          ^ Gorgeous ^


          Ran a 10 miler on both coasts this week. Up on Mt Tamaulipas:







            I did. Damn spellcheck!

            Ran from the north bridge vista, up the switchbacks, then out to past Sausalito and back.

            Awesome run. The next day we were sailing a 35' sailboat around Angel Island.

            Love that place.







            Joann Y

              This has the makings of a nice XC course.




              My brother informed me that this is sometimes used as a XC course.



                My brother informed me that this is sometimes used as a XC course.


                I vote Colorado Springs for future XC Club Nats!

                  Prince of Fatness

                    Wrigs should find this to be familiar.


                    Not at it at all. 


                      I'm glad you got to go up there again (and nice beer check ins from your hike).  I would love to go there and give it another go without the crazy rainstorm I was in and minus 35 lbs on my back.  I kept thinking about how fun it would be.


                      (Not my pic, check out the house below for perspective.)

                      I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart


                      Prince of Fatness

                        I'm glad you got to go up there again (and nice beer check ins from your hike).  I would love to go there and give it another go without the crazy rainstorm I was in and minus 35 lbs on my back.  I kept thinking about how fun it would be.


                        I found out over the weekend that supposedly that place is the only superfund site that is now a nature preserve.


                        The 10K race is a lot of fun.  There were a few of us that went.  Mrs Finn doesn't run but they also had a 2 mile scamper, so she went and walked that.  It's no frills, the only swag was a water bottle as they run a green race and had no water stations.  All of the proceeds go to the nature center.  We had a nice crisp morning for a run.


                        It's been a while since I've run up there and I forgot about the climbs.  And the rocks.  So many rocks.  I need to get back there and hike to the top.  The race only goes about half way at its highest point.


                        MTA:  Studying your picture, that "house" is the Nature Center.  You'll notice a parking lot just to the right of it.  That's where I took my picture from.  Further to the right you'll see a single track trail which was used for the end of the race ... it ended right behind the Nature Center.

                        Not at it at all. 

                          A couple of pics from the rear end of the Tarawera trail marathon where I volunteered as tail-end charlie.


                          Buried Village

                          Buried Village - Tarawera Trail Marathon



                          Wairua - Tarawera Trail Marathon

                           “Attitude is the Difference Between an Ordeal and an Adventure”


                          Goals 2016

                          Do stuff




                            Bike path along the Colorado river in Moab, Utah.  Thanksgiving day.

                              Coming home last night.  Half Moon Bay, CA


                              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                                Nha Trang, Vietnam.  Not pictured:  One jillion monsterous Russians in tiny, TINY speedos.


                                I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart