Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)


Break on through


    This morning from the highest hill in town...100 foot flagpole sticking up next to the churches.


    Nice shot, Kevin!

    "Not to touch the Earth, not to see the Sun, nothing left to do but run, run, run..."

    Joann Y

      After spending the last ten days road tripping in New England for the first time, I can appreciate the scenery ntown and mikeymike. Holy cow, I've been missing out. And your pictures are beautiful. Good stuff. No pictures, but route 100 in Vermont was not only gorgeous but highlighted by the 100 on 100 relay on Sat as we were driving down, I honestly felt that I was in heaven. Sinewy forms church steeples thick muscular thighs layers of misty mountains gaunt faces meadows focused sunken eyes lakes woods jutting jaws flowers and grass heels clipping shorts. I could go on.. I've never felt so jumpy and ready to jump out of the car with muscles twitching and ready to run hard. Damn.




        You can probably guess where these are from. A very fun 50 mile week on sight seeing runs. Love that place.










          beautiful !       oh wait is that an arm sticking out from under that boulder ?    creepy


          Took a little jog in Frozen Head State Park yesterday.


          Best Present Ever

            Photo doesn't do it justice.  The flowers were awfully pretty in the early morning light.

            boars head trails


            Good Bad & The Monkey

              Tried to catch the sunrise over the Ohio River this morning. Every source I said had 7:17 or 7:18am. At that time, there was no fiery ball of sun in the eastern sky, just some gray haze. Looked like it was obscured by distant clouds, alas. Driving home some 10 minutes later and now far away from the river, BOOM, there she was. Oh well.


              Got this predawn tho!



                That predawn photo is lovely!


                Here's one taken about 3.5 miles into my run last Saturday.

                and another at about mile 17 of same run. The water is the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Canada is the land on the far side.

                Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                  This is the start and finish point of yesterday's out-and-back trail run.

                  Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                  Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.


                  Good Bad & The Monkey

                    This is called Testicle Spectacle. It is on the Barkley course. I "ran" here this weekend.


                      Not my photo (I didn't bring my phone) but I ran here today, and it was spectacular.

                      an amazing likeness

                        Mile 5 of today's 10K was just before the bridge...


                        ...I did not take this picture while running, or otherwise.

                        Acceptable at a dance, invaluable in a shipwreck.

                        Prince of Fatness

                          Pictures from my run at Merrill Creek Reservoir this morning.  It's only a 5 minute drive for me to get there.


                          Looking northwest.  That ridge in the distance is in PA, the AT runs along it.



                          A couple of views from one of the dams (there are 4)....



                          From a small foot bridge over the creek that feeds the reservoir.  You can barely see the reservoir in the distance.



                          View from the main dam, looking south into Hunterdon County, NJ.



                          There are areas where Hurricane Sandy took out quite a few trees.  This is an example.  It's been three years and the brush has filled in quite a bit.


                          Not at it at all. 


                          old woman w/hobby


                            Sunny Charleston.





                              A wonderful trail run today in the land of the flying monkeys.


                              I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart




                                I ran some miles in Golden Gate Park this weekend. It was Pretty.