Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)

    this is a nice thread and all, but why are folks running with their phones to begin with? I'll never understand people that stop mid run to take a selfie during a workout


    Good Bad & The Monkey



      I often run with the phone when I am on call and need to be accessible. Sometimes I run with the phone if I know I will be somewhere where I want to take a picture. Not all my runs are serious workouts.

      Joann Y

        I often run with the phone when I am on call and need to be accessible. Sometimes I run with the phone if I know I will be somewhere where I want to take a picture. Not all my runs are serious workouts.


        Same. And if you have kids it's nice for them to be able to get ahold of you if they need you.


        Good Bad & The Monkey

          Plus, these ain't selfies.



            this is a nice thread and all, but why are folks running with their phones to begin with? 


            You mean my device that has GPS, podcasts, emergency contacts, bus pass and last week even allowed me to grab an urgent Lyft after a run that bombed? Maybe once in a while I'll take a picture, but a selfie? Well, only if it's funny.



            Yeah, I have no clue why I would carry that useless thing.

            Prince of Fatness

              I don't like carrying stuff with me when running but every now and then I'll take my phone along and take a few shots to post here.   I enjoy the pictures in this thread.

              Not at it at all. 


                Ditto.  I enjoy this thread, keep taking those phones when you know there may be a nice shot we'd enjoy.



                I took my phone yesterday to take a picture of the three overflowing trash cans on the trail I run at lunch.    Filled out a trouble ticket on the city website that allowed me to upload the picture as well as locate the trouble spot on a map.  I had ZERO expectations that anything would be done.  Today, they were emptied!  My faith in the bureaucracy has been restored!

                  See if this works....this was a few days ago, around 9 am.Pic from beach


                    That shot has great potential and it is a beautiful place but I'm not one to blow sunshine up anyone's ass so, photography lesson ....   you got to decide what you're trying to show us.  That the Evacuation Route is to the left? or the flood lines on the gauge?  or the park bench?  or the park sign? the guy-wire holding up the telephone pole? the grass?  the #9423 sewer line cover? or the lake in the background?  All of those things crowd this shot and draw attention away from what you're trying to convey.  Probably only one or two should be the 'star' of the image.  Image composition is everything!   A nicer shot might have been, in landscape mode, that park bench looking out on the lake with the shoreline curving away to infinity with the park bench in the right-hand third of the image taken on the grass 5 or so feet to the left of that flood gauge pole.  Go back out there and try to capture what you think is beautiful about the place.  Immediately review the images you take and throw away the ones that don't fit what you want to show.  I end up deleting 90% of the photos I take.  It really is a skill that takes practice and thought.  Understand and use the Rule of Thirds.


                      I ran a trail half marathon this weekend (my first) and this was the view of the sun rising before the race:


                      Full disclosure: I take selfies during my runs and post them on my blog and Facebook.

                        Thanks for the critique, it's just a random pic. It really isn't meant to convey any beauty what so ever. If anything should be noticed, it's the lack of people at the beach. I ran again around 11am and there still wasn't as many people as I would have imagined. I know the sand fleas are here, I was almost taken out by a lovely elderly lady as I crossed the street, she was texting or not paying attention. Her license plate was from NY, not that there is anything wrong New Yorkers.

                        Prince of Fatness

                          Some pics from my run yesterday.  This is the D & L Trail along the Delaware River just south of Easton, PA.


                          Not at it at all. 


                          not bad for mile 25

                            A win for Finn!


                            Shoe Alarmist

                               Not all my runs are serious workouts.


                              Nor are mine, but still I sweat as if they were. I need a burner phone to take with me for photos and calls for help. A few days ago I stopped at a stranger's house 3 miles from home to refill my water bottle. These are dangerous times to be running sans phone.


                              Good Bad & The Monkey