Pretty pics from your run (Read 1294 times)


Good Bad & The Monkey

    Trails by the lake last night


      nearly every morning on the lake front path in Chicago but over a lake instead of the plains of Africa


      Consistently Slow

        Five years of attempting to post a picture. A friends adult daughter showed me how to do it in less than a minute. I am so proud!

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter

          AWESOME shots... I have a pic on the summit of Mt. Pierce from a few weeks ago, can't post it though. Can see Eisenhower in the distance and Washington is in the clouds. (part of the White Mountains in NH) WG should be around there soon if she's boogying.


            Let me know if you all get tired of this view because I never will.  (No filters).




              AWESOME shots... I have a pic on the summit of Mt. Pierce from a few weeks ago, can't post it though. Can see Eisenhower in the distance and Washington is in the clouds. (part of the White Mountains in NH) WG should be around there soon if she's boogying.


              1.  She's trying.


              2.  Get your shit together and post those pics nantucket!  I want to see them (but I'll help with some pics from the Whites).


              3.  Franconia Ridge (Mt Lincoln and Lafayette), and a view from Mt Moosilauke.  (I only ran one of these days and not for long).


              I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart



              It's Tuesday every day

                Thanks, both of you, for posting the photos. This (along with "What is your race face?" is one of my favorite RA threads.

                Adam Gentile

                  i went to Newport RI with the family last month.  Nothing beats running on the beach then running the cliff walk, especially barefoot.


                    WG, I've been up there a few times in the last few weeks, Crawford Notch once and Franconia Notch twice, hiking the NH 48 40000 footers. I went to Pinkham Notch, You'll be there soon enough, Anyway, there is a AMC lodge that has current weather for the summit of Washington. wind was gusting over fiddy mph one evening, just some food for thought. If I were you, I 'd crash at the campsites(Mitzpah hut) at Mt. Pierce and get an early start and MOTOR all the way across the ridge. If the weather is good you'll have an ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL DAY. My buddy did a traverse a couple of weeks ago( North to South) and had a perfect day. I have my fingers crossed that you'll have pristine day when you get there. OH, did ya get good look at Cannon Mtn. from Lafayette, doesn't look like much from up there, but is one of my favorite places to climb. Anyway, hope you're having a blast. MFN

                    The first picture is Franconia Ridge right? from where? Moosilaucke? It gives an awesome view of the Franconia Ridge hike, 8 or so miles and knocks off 3-4000 footers.


                      Took this picture of some climbers when I was hiking in Montana this summer.  It's a pretty popular climbing spot, only problem is the 8 1/2 mile and 4,000' elevation gain that you have to hike to get to the base.


                      I circled where the climber is in the close up picture.


                      Then this is a farther away version.  You can line up the outcropping on the left side to see where they were at on the face.  They weren't sure they were going to make it to the top that day and had food and overnight gear just in case they had to sleep on the cliff.


                      Here's a different angle with the lake in front showing.



                      We climbed up to the cirque lake above the first lake..



                      Saw some wildlife.



                      Pretty neat hike.  I did jog for a tiny bit on the way back down so hopefully this qualifies.

                      Age: 50 Weight: 224 Height: 6'3" (Goal weight 195)

                      Current PR's:  Mara 3:14:36* (2017); HM 1:36:13 (2017); 10K 43:59 (2014); 5K 21:12 (2016)

                        I did jog for a tiny bit on the way back down so hopefully this qualifies.


                        Nice pics. I think good "earth porn" qualifies whether you ran that day or not.

                        When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done?



                          The first picture is Franconia Ridge right? from where? Moosilaucke? It gives an awesome view of the Franconia Ridge hike, 8 or so miles and knocks off 3-4000 footers.


                          That pic is from Lonesome Lake, right outside of the hut, on the descent from North and South Kinsman, which are two 4000'ers.


                          Clouds.  Argh.  Three days ago top gusts on Mt. Washington were 19 mph, today they are supposed to be in the 80's.


                          I want to do it because I want to do it.  -Amelia Earhart


                            Lurking on the trail.


                            Lurking on the trail


                            Good Bad & The Monkey

                              Top of Bird Mountain, on the Cumberland Trail, over in Frozen Head State Park.


                              On the Barkley course.



                              It's Tuesday every day

                                So, what's the deal with the frozen head? Maybe somebody made a terrible mistake while splitting logs for their winter campfire?