Field placement for races -- show as percent, too (Read 506 times)

    Hi, Another wee feature request, with absolutely no urgency: Show relative field placement as a percentage for races on the "view event" page, e.g. 100th out of 1000 runners is top 10%. The arithmetic is already spelled out on the page "Field placement: 100 / 1000", just add the result of the division. As always -- fantastic site! I'm continually amazed by the depth of features you're adding in so many different directions at once. -tm35
    eric :)

      I'm continually amazed by the depth of features you're adding in so many different directions at once.
      Is that a subtle way of saying that I have really short attention spans? Big grin That is indeed a small request by any standard. I'll have it added in a jiffy, but I'll have to upload it in a couple of weeks, along with the next big change. eric Smile