total miles? (Read 405 times)


    can anyone help me retrieve my total miles for 2008? I was not paying attention to the total until it just reset for 2009 and am not curious what my total was. I do not think the data is gone, its just a matter of how to find it.



      labhiker Go to Reports + New Search Date Range: type in 01/01/2008 to 12/31/2008 or you can choose "Last Year". Activity: you can leave it as "Any Activity" or use the drop-down to choose "Run". Click on Search button When your Workouts page comes up you'll see two buttons [Save As] [Summary] in the upper right corner. Click on "Summary". You'll get a pop-up Summary page with all your stats on it ... Distance, Duration and total number of Runs. It's very cool. Cool You can then copy and paste that info into a text document. (For me the formatting gets screwed up if I c&p to MS Word, but Notepad works fine.)