Undo copied maps (Read 247 times)

Francois Nel

    In RunningAHEAD I plot just about every course I run on (except races) to determine the distance (I do not have a GPS running device yet) and to get the elevation profile. However, since I do allot of running I keep it interesting by altering the courses slightly every now and then. But currently, unless it is a total reverse of a current course, I have to re-plot the entire course.

    I would like to suggest that the "Undo" button be enhanced to allow us to "undo" a copied/edited course backwards on each plotted point starting from the end of the course to the begging. This should be valid even when the route is reversed.
    e.g. If I copy a 15km course I must be able to press "Undo" that would start undoing the course from the 15th KM backwards, so that I can start a deviation at say the 11km mark.

    Another example:  If I copy a 15km course I must be able to press "Reverse route" and then press "Undo" that would start undoing the course from the 15th KM backwards (that was previously the start point before pressing "Reverse route"), so that I can start a deviation at say the 11km mark (previously the 4km mark before pressing "Reverse route"). With this I would be able to deviate the start or end of the route without having to re-plot the entire course.


    I'm sure other will find this handy as well.



    Francois Nel

    eric :)


      I don't think undo is appropriate here.  There may be many points in between and undoing will take forever.  What you need is a snip tool.  I'll add it to my todo list.