Upload cycling data with .pwx files (Read 26 times)


    I use a Powertap to record my cycling data and GoldenCheetah to export the data to a ,pwx file. I have tried to upload the data using the Training Peaks option. The only way I can get the data into my log is upload first to Training Peaks, export to a file and then import into RA. It would be great if there was a direct upload into RA from GoldenCheetah. It is open source and a very widely used cycling  tool. Thanks

    eric :)


      I'm guessing the pwx file contains something unexpected by the importer.  It could be the importer expects a PWX compliant file and the one produced by GoldenCheetah is not, or it contains undocumented contents that only TrainingPeaks is aware of.  Either way, could you send the file(s) to support@runningahead.com so I can take a look?  Thanks!


      eric Smile


        Thanks for your interest. E-mail sent.


        The data wasn't one of my better efforts so don't judge me.

        eric :)


          The file you sent me did not contain segment nodes, which define the intervals.  I thought it was a required element of the file and terminated processing.  I've corrected the problem and the fix will be available in the next update.


          eric Smile


            Thanks for the help.


              Not sure if the upgrade was put in place but the upload went perfectly today.