Hola (Read 578 times)

    Hi guys, I found this forum by googling a running log, and then ventured into the forum. I like it! heh. I was a lurker at CR for quite a while...anyways, I've been "running" for about two years and started when I decided to join the army and had to get ready for my PT test. (I'm in army rotc). I tried to be serious about it but really didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. Then this year, I upped my runs and increased my mileage (my regular route last year was 3.4 miles). So yesterday I did my 5.5 route for the 2nd time and it wasn't too bad! I hope to get up to ~25 miles a week now. I had a pt test a few weeks ago and I got 16 flat on a 2 mile run which I was pretty depressed about. But oh well, I hope my increased mileage will help out with it. I did have a question, last year I was getting 15.20 very consistently and I wasn't running as much as I am now. What's up with that? Well, so far I really like this place, and have been reading all the posts up to like 10 pages back ha ha. BTW, I'm a 20 yr old female, just finished my sophomore year in college. So thanks for reading this if you've gotten all the way through. Big grin
      Have you been keeping track of your runs? If you have, you can enter them here and make your log public. That way folks can take a look at your training and make more specific recommendations. If you want to improve conditioning, you'll probably want to build up the length of a once-a-week long run. Take an off day to recover, then do several shorter runs during the week. If you ramp your mileage up too quickly, you're susceptible to overuse injuries. Make sure you're listening to your body, if your legs are tired you're OK. If you are feeling real pain, you should back off to avoid injury. Welcome, and best of luck to you.

      Greater Lowell Road Runners
      Cry havoc and let slip the dawgs of war!

      May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your SPF30, may the rains fall soft upon your sweat-wicking hat, and until you hit the finish line may The Flying Spaghetti Monster hold you in the hollow of His Noodly Appendage.

      Another Passion

        Just wanted to say welcome, Skeeter. You've stumbled onto a most excellent community of runners. I think you'll find everyone quite friendly, helpful, and encouraging. Good luck in your running!

        "The will to win means nothing without the will to prepare." - Juma Ikangaa
        "I wanna go fast." Ricky Bobby

          Thanks guys! Bad Dawg, how long do you think my long run should be? I just opened my training log, so you can see what I've done this week. THanks for the welcome rvelich! Smile

            I"m a college kid too - but I've been running since middle school and my time for a two miler isn't nearly as nice as yours. As for a long run - I usually set my long run to be 1/4 of my weekly mileage - so if I'm hitting 30 miles a week (you can bet I have a long run somewhere around 7 miles). But you also have to do what feels comfortable to you and not up mileage too quickly (like BadDawg said). Also running longer doesn't always equate to running faster, as longer runs and more mileage tend to get you running at that "slower pace" more often, and you have to concentrate more on the speed stuff - at least I do. I've always preferred long runs to shorter stuff - give me a 7-miler over a 3-mile run any day. And when I switch from long runs to short stuff in track it definately takes me a little bit of time to pull out the speed. So your run this year could have been slower simply cause you've conditioned yourself into those longer runs and have gotten used to that pace.