hip pain (Read 453 times)


Fight The Future

    I've been having moderate pain at the front of my left hip, which hurts when I land on my left leg during running. It does not feel like it's in the joint, but right in front of it. It feels like either the muscle there or a tendon, and I wonder if it is a result of weakness of my pelvic muscles. Several months ago, I had some ITBS on the left, and I was told it was likely due to insufficient strength of the core muscles. I have tried to do some strengthening exercises, but I have not been as good as I should be. I haven't run in two weeks since my last (2nd) marathon, and the pain is slowly getting better, but still it hurts when I do try to run. Two questions for people; how long should I not run (and how out of shape will I get for each week I don't run)? I guess, more importantly, what would be the best exercises or stretches to prevent this sort of thing??? thanks for any tips.
      Squat - it does a body good. I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on tv. See one of those if it keeps up. But, I have had some issues with hip flexors. I pulled my hip flexor and groin on my left side playing hockey. They were a little weak to begin with. Full, a$$ to grass (ATG) squats were the thing for me. Countless people told me that working legs at the gym would hurt my running. It hasn't - quite the opposite - it has helped tremendously. Full back squats work your core, back, glutes, hammies, quads and hips. I also use this stretch for the hip flexors after every run or hockey game: http://www.exrx.net/Stretches/HipFlexors/KneelingHipFlexor.html