Searching for Routes (Read 761 times)

You'll ruin your knees!

    Hi Eric, I just noticed an interesting "issue" while searching for routes in my area. First, I live in McKinney, TX, so I searched for routes within 10 miles of "McKinney, TX". I received an immediate response that city/state could not be found. Thinking this odd, as I have a number of routes that I mapped in McKinney, I broadened the search to Dallas, Tx, with a 50 mile radius. As you might guess, this did bring up a number of routes and I was able to locate mine...under "Bloomdale, TX". I have lived in McKinney since 1997 and have never heard of Bloomdale, TX! I assume this is part of Google Maps, but it might make more sense to use the City/State that is input by the user rather than the default from Google (if that is the problem). Like all my issues, no big deal, life will go on! Keep the faith, Lynn B

    ""...the truth that someday, you will go for your last run. But not today—today you got to run." - Matt Crownover (after Western States)

    eric :)

      Hi Lynn, This problem is the result of the reverse lookup of the route's location. The data set isn't all that great, which is why it's a little off. I could use whatever user puts in for the city and state fields, but that could also be unreliable too. I need to look into finding a better data source in the future. eric Smile