Weird knee swing while running? (Read 101 times)


    Hi everyone!


    I am 28 year old woman who has taken up running just recently! I broke 11 minutes/mile just today which was pretty big for me considering I've been running only for a 15 days now.


    I dont know how to explain this but my right leg swings out when I am running. It is really weird and it puts more strain on my left leg. My left leg is fine but the right one is just so off and I feel as if I am limping with it when I am running. As a result, it hurts like crazy when I sit down or try to fold my left leg now. Whenever I sit on my leg for a considerable amount of time, as soon as I get up, my right knee (the weird knee) hurts really bad. It is just a pain I cannot locate. It is to the side of the knee but not exactly in the side.


    I really love running now and I feel so good after beating my previous speed even if it is by few seconds. But is it possible that my legs were not meant for running?? I don't know how to control this thing with my right leg! Do I need to visit a doctor? Or is this something I just need to get used to?


    Any inputs will help. Thank you!

      Talk to a physical therapist first.

      pedaling fool

        I don't know the answer, but your description reminds me of the way Priscah Jeptoo runs    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg3RV7icrLI




        One day at a time

          My right leg does the same thing.  When I went to PT last year, the therapist had me run on the treadmill, and he actually chuckled!!  He said, "Some people just aren't built to run..."  Grrrr.


            I think you may not be running the right way. Many people injure themselves because they are not running right. Otherwise, you might want to see a physical therapist, like what they say.

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