Extensor Tendonitis? Top of foot pain (Read 1490 times)

    Thanks Ray!

    My neighbor is a physical therapist & she told me to ice it, take ibuprofen & stay off of it for 7-10 days.

    I was trying a mile a day streak to stay motivated to keep running outdoors into the colder seasons. If 26 days broke me how will I make it through winter?

    I had been running completely pain free. Even yesterday my foot hurt more before I ran than during or after. I'll go slow(er) and easy for a few days to keep an eye on it. Ultimately, If I have to rest, I have to rest.

      I used to always get flare ups of this! The only thing that keeps it at bay for me is, like Nobby said, skipping some of the criss-crosses over the flare-up area...I lace the first (bottom) 3 sets of eyelets criss-cross, then skip the criss cross and just lace the next 2 up the sides, then criss cross the last one at the top, if that makes sense. Basically the part of the shoe over the flare up area does not have any pressure on it from the laces at all. I hope you feel better soon!


      Bacon Party!

        I've had this happen during the course of a race and wound up with debilitating can't-even-look-at-it pain ... which went away within a day or so.

        It's also happened to a lesser degree at other times, in other shoes.

        I've found that I often need to change how I lace my shoes - and it varies by shoe.


        pace sera, sera

          Thanks for the encouragement! After running pain free for so long and finally seeing improvement in my times(still slow- just not as s-l-o-w) I was feeling pretty darn invincible. Then I went and messed up my foot. I'm glad it's probably not serious. I'm back in my beat old shoes & limiting my miles till it's 100%. I've re-laced the new shoes & am prepared to ditch them completely if they're the problem.

          BtW, Meghan your goat is a sweetie.
