Deleted entry still in cache (Read 54 times)

Francois Nel



    I have noticed (and even reproduced it consistently) that after you deleted an entry on the calendar, the entry is still displayed on the calendar view after the delete. You first need to refresh the page before the entry disappears.



    1 ) Go to the calendar view

    2) Add a "New Run Entry"

    3) After it is saved it will return to the calendar and display the entry

    4) Now click on the entry (displaying the entry details on the next page)

    5) Click on delete (and then obviously on "OK" of the prompt message)

    6) After the delete action the web app goes back to the calendar view, but the deleted entry is still showing on the calendar (press F5 to refresh and it will now be gone)


    Browser: Google Chrome 36.0.1985.143 m

    OS: Win 8.1 Enterprise x64


    P.S. I tested it once on IE 11 and it did not happen on that browser.

    eric :)

      Hi Francois,

      This is the expected behavior.  When you delete a workout, it takes a bit of time.  Instead of having you wait, the operation is done in the background.  If your browser loads the new page fast enough, you might see the workout.


      eric Smile

      Francois Nel

        I have monitored the HTTP traffic (with Fiddler) and no page request (round trip to server) is done after the delete on Chrome. That means the caché is for some reason not invalidated and a local copy  of the calendar is then displayed (thus still showing the deleted entry).


        In Chrome's debugging tools you can see a request is done for the calendar page, but it shows that it served the GET request from the cahcé.


        I have done the same tests in IE and with IE a round trip is made to the server to request the new calendar page.