supplementing interval training with all-out intensity set on the punching bag (Read 1552 times)


Self anointed title

    It will get high. I understood you - you even said "supplement" in the title. As I said - it's a very good workout indeed.




      kudos to anyone that can do max effort 10x2 minutes.  Not sure if I understood that correct.  I do 3 max intensity x 20-30 secs or 5 high intensity set and afterwards I'm dizzy and feel like I did 20 repeat 200 sprints at the track.  Not replacing my running but I don't think it can hurt.  Thanks for all the advice, criticism, whatever.  


        >> Not replacing my running but I don't think it can hurt.


        If it tuckers you out such that you can't put in one of your quality (running) sessions or you ditch easy runs, perhaps.  If not, knock yourself out.


        Not literally.

