Store.. (Read 456 times)

Double IPA Please!

    Eric I just tried to buy 2 shirts from the store- one for me and one for the mister...however, you have no more Larges- or do you? (in mens) and when I go to checkout for me- it will no complete the transaction..

    Interested in looking good and feeling great? Check out my website at www.marykay.com/dyerger

    Shipping is always free with me!! :-)

    eric :)

      Hi Denise! I ran out of men's large in all colors. I'm looking for a new source for shirt printing. It may take a while though :-( eric :-)

      Double IPA Please!

        okie..just let me know when and if you get more- Id like to order a shirt for Greg and a tank for myself..

        Interested in looking good and feeling great? Check out my website at www.marykay.com/dyerger

        Shipping is always free with me!! :-)