1000Km-621 mile club


hello (Read 171 times)

    Is it bad to sign up to run 1000km in a year when your PT won't let you run at all? 'cause that's the position i'm in. i'm dealing with plantar fasciitis (oh, joy), and while it's on the mend, i'm still not supposed to be running. i'm doing a fair amount of biking, swimming, and lifting though, so that's something. i can't WAIT to be cleared for running again. i love winter running.

    Maggie & Molly

      listen to the DR and be patient. but it does suck!!

       "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
      Wisdom of Confucius

      HF 4363

        Hang in there. It will be worth it. We've all had injuries, but if you push it, you could really made a serious mistake. You'll be back in no time. Can you bike or do something else outside?

        - Anya

          Can you bike or do something else outside?
          i'm pretty much stuck inside in the pool or on the bike because of the record amounts of snow we've gotten this winter. i think that's the hardest part for me; i just miss being outside, and the walk to/from the bus stops just isn't cutting it! i know it will get better, and i've had so much time off of running already... i don't want to make it last longer, you know?