3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker


Salazar Got Me Thinking (Read 605 times)

Double IPA Please!

    I've been thinking about form, too, so OK, explain this lead from the hips to me.  Is this to mean that you want a forward lean, but it is at the hips and not chest?  What kind of feel am I looking for?

     THANK YOU! For asking this question!

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    Shipping is always free with me!! :-)

      When "leading with the hips" you're not leaning into the run.  Basically you want to feel as if you are running tall.  Shoulders are to be square, not hunched.  Think of your posture when your sitting at a desk.  When you sit tall and upright, you have a slight curvature to your back.  This pushed your hips forward causing you to lead with your hips.  Hopefully that explains it well enough.




      Bump.  Nads article on the main board made me think of this thread again.  IMO, there are other aspects of good form that McMillan could have talked about other than running tall and foot strike.  Like him, I had a decent high school coach that emphasized form.  Running tall to us meant, leading with the hips, shoulders square, chin up, cheeks bounce and yes, "guns out of the holster."  I'm bringing that one back!


      The lead with the hips and shoulders square ensure your shoulder and hips are in line and you're not leaning forward or backward too much.  Shoulders square means that you don't rock them back and forth and waste more energy.


      Chin up and cheeks bounce ensure your are looking ahead, not down and that you're relaxed.  If you look down directly in front of you or at your feet, the natuaral tendancy is to start to lean.


      "Guns out of the holster" - I'll leave that for Nads!

        Ha, that was a helpful post, Mike!


        And, yeah, sitting at a desk all day does affect the form.  If I'm working late, my run the next morning is a bit slouchy.

        "If you have the fire, run..." -John Climacus
