Beginners and Beyond


Arrested for jogging? (Read 122 times)


Barking Mad To Run

    But the pedestrian control only say walk/don't walk (not run/don't run)  They obviously don't apply to runners.


    Yer funny, Jerry....and when you come visit Texas, I will come bail you out of jail... 


    There actually is an "awareness" program going on right now in Texas - and especially in the San Antonio-Austin area, as we get a lot of visitors - because of incidents lately where pedestrians have been hit by vehicles while illegally crossing the streets.  The latest one, unfortunately, was a high school student here in San Antonio and she was pretty badly injured.   In this past month when I've been watching the news, here in San Antonio, there have been at least 3 people reported being killed when they crossed the street illegally. So it is a real problem here, unfortunately.


    So, although, this is probably a case of 'overkill' by the local law authorities, they are cracking down on making people aware of using the cross-walk areas.  Normally, you would just get a warning and that would be that.  You could also get a ticket (about $125 with fine and court costs) and the judge may add community service on top of that.

    "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt
