Beginners and Beyond


GPS watch battery in the cold (Read 49 times)




    Some background about batteries and the cold.


    ^^That's what I understand of how batteries operate in the cold.


    I know any details on that particular model, but the battery indicator probably detects the minor voltage drop as a battery discharges.


    Cold conditions lead to a slightly lower voltage as well, so will generally cause an aberrant low reading on the indicator without affecting the life.


    If what you suspect is true, then that would not be a problem. I will just need to test it when it's really cold AND I'm not on a long run.



      You are not paying attention. "Upgrade" = huge leap of faith, into the great abyss.


      I should have used ""


      I'm thinking of getting a 15 just for racing. You know, that .00000001 gram will make a difference of 3 seconds when compounded over 42.2k.


        I made a test tonight: I left the watch outside, with GPS on and back light on to see how long the battery would last. It was about -7c (20 F) outside, with winds, but watches don't care about wind.


        It shut down after 2:16. Bought the watch in July 2012, not even 2 1/2 years ago.


        Won't be good for a long run when it's colder outside. I really need to wear it under my jacket... or buy another watch!
