Beginners and Beyond


American sprinter Tyson Gay tests positive, as does 5 Jamaicans (Read 101 times)


flashlight and sidewalk

    I appreciate the "I trusted somebody I shouldn't have" statement T. Gay made.  Not as an excuse, but as somebody actually manning up and prepared to take responsibility.  The key word was "I"...he acknowledged that it was his mistake.  I buy that he did not intentionally cheat (I can't believe I just said that), but only because he didn't spout off some lame excuse.  IMO there should be no leniency in his suspension.


    **Ask me about streaking**


    No more marathons

      Cheating is cheating.  If your kid fails to get into the school they want because someone eles's kid cheated on their SAT is that OK?  Would your moral outrage kick in then?  How about if you see someone cut the course short in the local 5k and your SO misses out on an award?  Do you shrug and let it go?  But it's OK when it's for millions?  Old punch line - "We've already determined what you are, now we're haggling over price".

      Boston 2014 - a 33 year journey

      Lordy,  I hope there are tapes. 

      He's a leaker!
