Beginners and Beyond


Sunday Penguins - It's Just A Flesh Wound! (Read 30 times)


    Hey, penguins!  Busy day here!  Finally, finally, it's the last day of the playoffs for the 2013 in 2013 game.  So I may or may not have some miles I need to put to that. Also, our new teams have just been announced.  Nice to see some more penguin friends on the team assignment list.


    I seriously need to start baking cookies, too.


    Gustav- There's a pace that's about 30-45 seconds slower than my usual pace, and if I fall into that I almost always have a terrible run.  It's like my stride at that pace is heavy and clompy for some reason, and feels harder than running faster.  But it's hard to get out of it because I'm always feeling like crud at that pace and can't imagine running any faster.

    Then again, with the mileage I've been running lately, what is usually my easy pace isn't even an option at the moment!  I think I have found my "ultra" pace, hehe!


      Haven't heard about the 3 for Marie challenge, but I ran 5 today, on the TM, so I guess I participated even if I didn't know about it.
