Marathon Trainers


Week of 9/27/2010 (Read 127 times)


    Awesome job for Lou and Harriet. Maybe not Equinox, but still impressive. Looks like you fall off the end of the earth in mile 3...


    Nice run, Paul. Sounds perfect, you're doing well.


    Hey Kimmie!


    I ran an 8.5 mile tempo run on Saturday, and 13.5 miles today on really tired legs. Then spent the rest of the afternoon hauling leaves and doing yard work. I've taken to dumping our leaves (we have a ton of birch trees, beautiful but very... um... prolific) in the power line to the sides of our house. DS2 raked the lawn and made a huge pile at the bottom, and I hauled that pile... wheelbarrow load by load... over to the powerline. My legs are toast. 35.5 miles for the week in four days. Hoping for over 40 next week.


    I'm running Manchester City Marathon in NH on Nov. 7, and Tecumseh trail marathon on Dec. 4, and that's it for 2010. I'm lucky to get 4 marathons a year these days, and don't really like cramming them all into the last quarter of the year. Wish we had more local options...
