Connecticut Runners

2015 Who's Racing Where - Post 'Em if You Got 'Em (Read 15 times)


Hold the Mayo

    All right, here we go - who's racing this weekend, and where ? Also, If you raced New Year's, how'd you do? Give us when, where / what race, a goal if you're shooting for one, and come back and let us know how you did.


    I'm going to have to play around with the table feature here and figure out how to use it; until then, I'll go with a text list. (edit: that wasn't as hard as I thought)


     Who Distance Race  Where Date Goal Result Comments
    mgerwn 5k New Year's Day Chilly Chili Orange 1/1 x 29:45 Not bad with fighting a cold
    Ntown Kevin Mile USATF-CT Indoor Championships Middletown 1/3 <5:00   Only pre-reg competitor

      Ntown Kevin - tonight, USATF-CT indoor championship, Middletown (bacon field house at Wesleyan). Mile. Shooting for sub 5.


      In the pre-reg I'm the only one signed up for the mile...hoping there's a bunch of race day registration....

      Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
      We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

        Good race - plenty of speedy folks. Ended up 2nd in 4:55.39 which I was definitely pleased with.

        Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
        We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

        delicate flower

          Smokin' fast mile, Kevin!  Nice going!  Not sure I could hold that pace for 100 meters.


          My 2015 races:


          2/18 - Colchester HM, Colchester.  Goal - break 1:40.  Ran a miserable 1:53 last year (PR is 1:34).

          3/21 - Savin Rock HM, West Haven.  Goal TBD.  Five weeks before goal marathon.

          4/26 - New Jersey Marathon.  Goal TBD (3:23 PR this past November).

          5/18 - Ten Penny Shamrock Duathlon, Glastonbury

          6/7 - Iron Horse HM, Simsbury


          I'll probably do 12-15 races total this year, but these are the early definites.



            Very impressive, Kevin!


            Good race - plenty of speedy folks. Ended up 2nd in 4:55.39 which I was definitely pleased with.


            My 2015 race plan:

            March: O'Hartford 5K

            April: Boston Marathon

            May; Ragnar Relay Cape Cod

            May: Brooklyn Half (for 2016 NYCQ and guaranteed entry)

            October: Chicago Marathon

            December: California International Marathon (Pending)

              OK, just officially registered for Winter Wonderland 5M (next Sunday). Looking to crack 28, but we'll see. Fingers crossed weather/street conditions are better than last year...

              Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
              We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                Also in for the Winter Wonderland 5-miler.  Goal is <34:00 and scoring for the team.  It's been over a year since I last actually raced, so I'm excited to see if there is any speed in there.  I am going to be cautiously optimistic about the weather . . . can't be worse than this past Sunday, I hope?


                Good luck, Kevin!

                  Also in for the Winter Wonderland 5-miler.  Goal is <34:00 and scoring for the team.  It's been over a year since I last actually raced, so I'm excited to see if there is any speed in there.  I am going to be cautiously optimistic about the weather . . . can't be worse than this past Sunday, I hope?


                  Good luck, Kevin!


                  Nice. Good luck to you.


                  Right now looks like some whispers of a little snow and rain on Saturday...hopefully that doesn't mean some leftover ice on Sunday morning. Last year it was kind of rough - 3 or 4 inches of snow the day before left the roads a little tricky (especially around corners). And it was pretty darn cold too - 18.

                  Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                  We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                    Gah. Latest forecast looks like the course will be as messy or worse than last year. At least they'll have the overnight to clean up this time, but I wouldn't expect to be cutting corners too closely this year. Oh well, such is least the snow will be on Saturday and not race day itself.

                    Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                    We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                      Looked dicey during warmup, but sun did just enough melting to make it safe to run. 28:25 for me, 14th overall. Definitely a faster race up front this year, which is great. Will Sanders showed up (and won of course). And he dragged a lot of his fast teammates from Sound Runners with him. Good start to the season.

                      Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                      We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                        Nice job, Kevin! I was wondering if I could pick you out, but I was impressed how many people showed up for the race.


                        The parking lot sure was fun, wasn't it?   I think the course may have been a tad long with the change in the finish line to avoid the ice. I'm happy though - 33:27 for  9th woman. Team results not out yet, so it's hard to know who was running for who, but our third place woman was 12th, so we'll see how it stacks up.

                          Great job, Moon. Yeah, the parking lot was a mess - definitely too bad they had to move the finish...I guess it could have been long, but Bob Stephenson (the woodbridge guy) is an official measurer...I'm sure he had his equipment in the car to lay out the new end. Oh well. Best they could do under the circumstances. At least the rest of the course was safe. I didn't stick around for awards (had to go to son's karate), but I did grab some soup - good stuff.

                          Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                          We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes

                            Well done, Kevin!  5:40 pace for 5 miles, that's my 2015's target!


                            Looked dicey during warmup, but sun did just enough melting to make it safe to run. 28:25 for me, 14th overall. Definitely a faster race up front this year, which is great. Will Sanders showed up (and won of course). And he dragged a lot of his fast teammates from Sound Runners with him. Good start to the season.


                              Racing this Sunday: Lake Waramaug Polar Bear Run for the Connecticut Cup (7.6 miles).  Goal is <52:00 with <6:50 pace, but I'm keeping an eye on the forecast of freezing rain.  It's been a long trudge of upping mileage on really snowy and uneven Boston sidewalks, so I'm hoping the step back in mileage this week will give me a bit of pep in my legs.


                              Kevin- Hope your injury recovery is going well and hope to see you back out racing soon!

                                Thanks - seem to be on the road back now.


                                And good luck this weekend. I've never run the Polar Bear, but looks fun (especially with new team format this year). Hope the weather cooperates...

                                Come all you no-hopers, you jokers and rogues
                                We're on the road to nowhere, let's find out where it goes