Masters Running


Saturday Daily March 7 (Read 35 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

    I had so much fun climbing the 1,114 stone and wood steps dug into the side of Mt. Hiei yesterday, I mean today, I think I`ll not only do it again today, I mean tomorrow, but go another half hour further on the eizan train line to the 1,038 concrete stairs up to six shrines on the side of Mt. Kurama and go down the back side to come up another 1, 200 more, especially since there`s an outdoor onsen at the bottom.


    Counting the 7,200 stairs on Friday at Osaka station (with help of an escalator going down to start up the  48 promonade stairwell again), that:s 11,666 stairs in about 36 hours.  whew.  Oh I forgot the 300-500 a day at the stations in the regular course of living in Osaka and another 599 at the enryakuji shrines on the other side of Mt. Hiei: 13, 266.  whew whew+

    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)

    Mike E

    MM #5615

      I can never decide between taking the stairs or the escalator...the both have their ups and downs...
