Masters Running


Melting an old man's heart (Read 511 times)

MM#209 / JapanJoyful#803

    dear spareribs and family: I am glad to be a part of your family, especially since you are a Year of the Dog zodiac and seem to know a little about my breed's ideosynchrosies, . . . I mean friendly personality. I'd just like to bark we used to herd so are very active and need to exercise everyday, . . . but just a 10 minute pace around the block won't do it. I hope not to challenge your other abilities too much but please be advised that we are very bright and need to be given something to occupy our minds too. Kind of like you Year of the Dog people, we may tend to stick our noses into absolutely everyone's business and feel compelled to make gratuitous comments too. Finally, it's also been said that we "will give chase, if not properly restrained, to any and all moving objects...and most especially to your jogging neighbor who HATES all dogs." thank you. - your new sheltie. =============================== Dear Sheltie, thanks for your bark-mail. Of course, we we humans have ideosy, . . . I mean personalities too but you are very lucky my zodiac is The Year of the Dog so we've already got each other pretty much figured out. In particular, Year-of-the-Doggers, like our animal namesakes, are loyal and helpful. We will come through every time. That is because we are sensitive to others in trouble, particularly if someone or other animal (e.g. horses) has suffered an injustice, it's the same feeling as though we'd been personally offended. I know that we are sometimes somewhat cold, selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric and, though I try not to, we can find fault with many things and are noted for our sharp tongues. We do take everything very seriously and, though you may hear us complain a lot, as we gets older, the less we takes ourselves seriously. We're also kind of perfectionists longing for everything to be done in the best possible way and anxious about the potential of those around us so I know I need to relax and not worry so much about the little things and realize that it is impossible to control everything. I think we'll get along fine. (just don't you ever post anything about me)

    "Enjoy yourself. Your younger days never come again." 100yo T. Igarashi to me in geta at top of Mt. Fuji (8/2/87)
