Pickens County Y Race Team


Sponsor a Triathlon (Read 6 times)


    I just read an interesting report on the demographics of an average triathlete. They make a great marketing target group. Hopefully we can use some of this data to gather local sponsors for the Tri the Ridge triathlon in September.


    Age and Gender
    Average age: 38

    59.6% Male
    39.5% Female

    7% are Under 25
    12.8% are 25-29
    15.7% are 30-34
    19.9% are 35-39
    17.3% are 40-44
    12.1% are 45-49
    7.5% are 50-54
    3.5% are 55-59
    1.6% are 60-64
    0.6% are 65-69
    0.3% are 70+

    63% are married
    11% are in committed relationship
    21% are single
    5% are widowed, divorced or separated
    44% have children living at home

    49% report white-collar jobs
    19% report professional jobs such as doctor, lawyer or accountant
    12% are students or education workers
    12% are blue or gray collar workers
    6% are government or military

    Average income: $126,000

    12.9% have incomes under $50K
    14.5% have incomes $50-74,999
    16% have incomes $75-$99,999
    23.4% have incomes $100-$149,999
    12.1% have incomes $150-$199,999
    8.4% have incomes $200-$299,999
    5.5% have incomes over $300K

    Spending (discretionary income)
    50% of dollars spent on bikes and bike equipment
    17% of dollars spent on race entry fees
    8% of dollars on fitness clothing
    11% of dollars on athletic shoes

    $2,274 spent on bikes in past 12 months
    $564 spent on race fees in past 12 months
    $524 spent on bike equipment
    $370 spent on training, running and athletic footwear
    $277 spent on nutritional supplements