Trailer Trash


Good Luck Mandy - Saturdaily (edit) (Read 48 times)


flashlight and sidewalk

    Evening all!


    Finally made it back to the trails after a ~month long hiatus...didn't realize how much I missed it.  Did about 9 miles, saw 3 deer and a coyote...I didn't even know there were coyotes in NJ.  I noticed a few spots on the trail that looked like a dog had "marked" the trail, but there were no fresh human footprints which I found odd.  Low and behold, I rounded a bend and saw the coyote.


    QOTD: I've done 3 weeks off due to mismanaged foot tendonitis before I figured out how to deal with that.


    PS for Boyjame...I saw a big piece of orange peel that had been flung into a tree... looks like my local fruitarian doesn't let snow stop him!


    **Ask me about streaking**



      Best wishes Mandy!


      Today, I finally got out for a decent long run - I've been moderately sidelined with a bout of plantar fasciitis.  I started PT for it on Friday, and the therapist noticed that my bum foot has a very low range of mobility.  I'm going to keep up with treatment to fix it up.


      My neighbor and I were supposed to go at 8, but at 7:00 he texted me to say it was -5 F outside and hell no he wasn't running till the afternoon.  Fine by me!  So we started out at 1:30 instead, and had glorious weather in the upper 20s.  We got out for 18 miles, 8 of them on trails.  We live in a city, and there's a snowmowbile trail going through the reservoirs.  Nice trails, and the snowmobiles had packed the snow down.  So we didn't have to posthole like sugnim!  I had a wonderful run, the first in a long time.


      QOTD:  The longest I was ever sidelined was for about 18 months after the birth of my second child.  I got back out running six weeks after I delivered, but it turned out I was anemic and I passed out cold under a bridge while running.  A bum rescued me.  Hilarious - he said he was an "expert" at passing out under bridges.  But I couldn't really get back out after I got better because the next problem was that my abdominal muscles had separated during the pregnancy and I felt like a bobblehead doll from the waist up.  I got the WORST side stitches, abdominal pain - awful.  After those healed, I was only 89 lbs from all the breastfeeding.  I had a hard time getting back to running when I was barely hanging on nutritionally.  I was able to get back out regularly when she was around 2.


      Faster Than Your Couch!

        No run due to prolonged laziness. But at least I went skating with the kids.


        Good luck, Mandy, take it in stride, and I wish you a speedy recovery!


        QOTD: 1.5 years after my last pregnancy. I had broken my tailbone, which took a year to heal up to the point where I could walk with only minor pain, and I had a lot of internal injuries and received many blood transfusions, requiring a central access line, which both took a mental toll, so I did not start running again for a while. I guess my confidence was shaken.

        It made the 3 months hiatus after incontinence surgery and a broken elbow right when I started up again (both "running injuries") seem short.

        Run for fun.
