Circle North

Log comments for Cuch (Read 27 times)

    Now I can't even see her log and I don't see her as a member of the group.  I blame Fro, as the newest member he must have done something offensive that caused her to leave.

    What was I chasing again?


      I'm absolutely oblivious about this post - but, you can blame my suck-factor. Maybe my corpulence was just too much to stand... Cuch needs to come back, had way too much fun running with her... This site would suck even more without her.

        Your week is the same as mine in a nutshell.  Glad to see that I'm not the only one.  (L Train doesn't count because he's UMMMM)


        I mean, I didn't bike 200+ miles but....really it's sort of the same.  Or not.  Whatever.  ltrainsucks

        L Train

          That is funny. And accurate.


            Ya, that was me... at least I had my tunes to keep me company as you were lapping me time and time again.  I look like a f'n horse in the water being sucked down by a leviathan while you look like your barely making an effort and today was one of my better efforts.  I was happy I almost got a whole mile in while you did what... a full 5k.  Golf anyone.  I'll need a cart though.

            What was I chasing again?


              Wow - had to post this. Impressive week from you last week - 3 20's in a row? RU friggin serious? Then you go an throw down a 200 mile bike ride. You said you went to a different place - well yeah. This puts my belly-aching in it's proper place. When we runnin' again?


              Way to feed the wolf!

                RU friggin serious? 

                bist du

                In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                  Sprichst du deutsch? Natürlich bin ich ernst. Sie sind ein harter Brocken!

                    laut lauchen!

                    In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                      Was hast Du gesagt? According to Leaks???

                        english does not translate well to german.


                        it was LOL!


                        oops i forgot to what do i do? fuck.

                        In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                          Seriously impressive run today - your last mile was gross! I had all I could do to keep up and not trip and kill myself. Thanks for the company and so sorry to hear about your brother passing - 42 is too damn young..... Wish I had the chance to meet him.....

                            42 miles in celebration of 42 yrs with your brother is an awesome way to remember your sibling.

                              thanks...i try to something 42 (Ked, miled, run or biked) every year. running that in miles this year played in nicely on the training front. what is cool is that it was a negetive split. after that 1st 20, i felt pretty decent in comparison.


                              what's better is, i am spinning right now...haha!

                              In order to see the truth, sometimes you have to loose an eye.











                                Now that is the perfect definition of BEAST-mode... Yikes. Go get it!