Diabetic Runners


friday music quiz (Read 83 times)

The voice of mile 18

    1) what is in your cd player/mp3 player/8 track right now? Cold Play - rush of blood to the head 2) first album/cassette/cd/ you bought? Police -Synchronicity

     Tri Rule #1 of Triathlon Training/Racing - If Momma ain't happy nobody is happy 

      1) Most days I listen to my XM stereo -- I like the variety. 2) First 45 I got was "It's a Heartache" by Bonnie Tyler. First Cassette Tape? Kenny Rogers - "The Gambler"

      Go to http://certainintelligence.blogspot.com for my blog.

        1) I love my XM radio! I don't know how I survived before I got it Big grin I have Podrunner and Cardio Coach in my MP3 player, with just a couple of songs, because it is only used for treadmill & track running 2) First tape - does the tape that came with my Fisher Price tape player count? Otherwise, my mom taped the Oak Ridge Boys albums from her records for me. I think my first store-bought tape was Madonna.