Diabetic Runners


......You might be a diabetic. (Read 270 times)

    When your first reaction to the sight of blood on your hand is "guess I won't need to prick my finger for my next glucose test..." You might be a diabetic. When one potato chip counts as a binge. You might be a diabetic When you see a commercial on TV for a local restaurant and you automatically start counting the carbs. You might be a diabetic You want to find the person who invented Splenda and have his baby! You might be a diabetic When you can rattle off all the number of grams of carbs on any menu but have no clue the names and ages of your family members. You might be a diabetic. OK I have many more (PAGES of them) but I am sure we can make up our own from here

    To paraphrase an old poster: Today is the first day of the rest of your training. It doesn’t matter where you started or how far you’ve come. Today is the day. Your training didn’t start 6 weeks ago. Your training started the last time you hit the road. John “the Penguin” Bingham Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire

      If the only soda you'd consider drinking is diet soda, you might be a diabetic. If you think BB King's claim to fame is being the guy on the One Touch commercial, you might be a diabetic. If your family doctor is your endocrinologist, you might be a diabetic. If your first thought when buying junk food is, "I can't wait to get low!" you might be a diabetic. If you know what IV-prep swabs are, you're probably a diabetic on the pump! If you get ticked off every year Ron Santo doesn't get in the Hall of Fame, you're either a diabetic or a Cubs fan. If you'd like to help Halle Berry with her injections, you might be a diabetic. Evil grin hehe.. these are fun.

      Go to http://certainintelligence.blogspot.com for my blog.

        Yes they are! When your wife won't take you shopping because you read EVERY label of every food item but in the cart......You might be a diabetic When your idea of an all nighter is not having to get up to pee..................... you might be a diabetic

        To paraphrase an old poster: Today is the first day of the rest of your training. It doesn’t matter where you started or how far you’ve come. Today is the day. Your training didn’t start 6 weeks ago. Your training started the last time you hit the road. John “the Penguin” Bingham Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire

          This is fun . . . If you sneer at people who express a fear of needles – you might be a diabetic. If you have emptied a sock drawer to hold medical supplies – you might be a diabetic. If you own a sharps container, or know what one is – you might be a diabetic. If your vacuum cleaner bag contains blood testing strips – you might be a diabetic. If you have extra boxes of lancets – you might be a diabetic.
            If you can squeeze your finger and blood comes out, no needle necessary,...you might be a diabetic. If you've ever been told that you leave a trail of test strips behind you...you might be a diabetic. If your first thought when you feel thirsty is not "water" but instead is "too much sugar"... you might be a diabetic.
              Terry, I HATE needles. I can do a finger stick no problem, but I am still in fear of the day when injections are needed. It is why I run. I want to put that day off for many many years. When you say, "how far would I need to run if I eat..........................? You might be a diabetic

              To paraphrase an old poster: Today is the first day of the rest of your training. It doesn’t matter where you started or how far you’ve come. Today is the day. Your training didn’t start 6 weeks ago. Your training started the last time you hit the road. John “the Penguin” Bingham Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire

                If your first thought when you feel thirsty is not "water" but instead is "too much sugar"... you might be a diabetic.
                hehe... that's a classic...

                Go to http://certainintelligence.blogspot.com for my blog.

                  When LifeSavers really are,.............................. you might be a diabetic

                  To paraphrase an old poster: Today is the first day of the rest of your training. It doesn’t matter where you started or how far you’ve come. Today is the day. Your training didn’t start 6 weeks ago. Your training started the last time you hit the road. John “the Penguin” Bingham Life is not tried, it is merely survived if you're standing outside the fire