Diabetic Runners


Continuous Glucose Monitor (Read 197 times)

    On Monday, I had a Continuous Glucose Monitor attached to my abdomen for diagnostic purposes.  I was supposed to wear it all week, go back to my doc on Friday to have it removed and data collected.  I was interested to see if it would show anything different than my glucose readings.  Unfortunately, on Tuesday afternoon, it fell off after a 4 mile run on the treadmill.  I called the doctor's office and they said I could try it again next week.   My question: Does anyone use a CGM when running?  Is there a better place to attach it than my abdomen if I plan to run with it? 

      Hi Kenny,


      Yes, I do, and generally use my abdomen as well.  I wear a minimed CGM, so yours may be a different type and this might or might not apply.....you may need to experiment around with various ways of taping the site down.  I use IV3000 for that, and it generally does pretty well.  Sometimes gets a little soggy in the shower or in the pool, but if it does, I just replace the IV3000.

      Progress Trumps Pefection