A Mile A Day


So there I am, finally running again... (Read 28 times)


    So this week I had a business trip to New York, and I was a little bummed going into it because I love running in New York.  The bikeway around Manhattan is really nice.


    But since my soccer injury in May, I havent done much more than a mile a day.  I've only had one double digit mileage week since May - the sciatic pain was just too much to push it and make it worse.  So I was sad that I was only probably going to get in a mile a day when normally when in NYC I would do 10-14 most every morning.


    But I head out Monday morning - luckily my hotel is only about 50 feet from the bike path (otherwise I could use my mile up just getting to the path and back) and I start to run south towards the ferry and around towards Battery Park and I feel pretty good going out.  Next thing I know I am 15 minutes (so probably a mile and a half at my current paces) out and I still feel really good.  But i dont want to push it too much so I head back, getting in about 3 miles.  The leg still felt good all day during my training, which was surprising because I was sitting most of the day.


    tuesday I head out again but head north on the path.  I decide to go a little farther and turn around at about 22 minutes.  That day I felt fine as well all day, leg is still good.  Got a couple rounds of stretching in and I am pretty happy.


    Yesterday I head out and go north again (mainly because there was a lot of construction by Battery Park and I wasnt quite sure how to get around it easily.  I decide to try for the same distance I did on Tuesday and get there and still feel pretty good.  A little stiffness at parts of my hip, but generally good, so I go even a little bit farther (including a detour to try to find a bathroom open at 6am).


    So now I am on the tail end of the run back to the hotel.  I ran this route already so I happen to know that my street is only about 150 feet ahead of me around the next turn and then BAM!!!!!!   I hit a manhole cover or something that is sticking about an inch out of the ground and stumble forward and face plant on the pavement.  Screaming, shooting pain is now radiating up my entire leg.  But people are watching so I recover and jog the last 150 feet and then walk back to my hotel.


    This sucks.  I was feeling so much better having gotten a few miles in and now my leg is killing me again today.  I hope I didnt set myself back too far with that stupid fall.  I'm going to rest with a mile today and see how ti feels after that.




      Oh boy!  That sounds like it hurt!  I hope your leg is okay.


      MM #2929