CyndiKo's profile   

Profession: Information Technology - Admin
Age: 56
Current Weight: 66.7 kg
Goal Weight: 59 kg
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
About me: 
I'm 41 years old, married, and a mom to three awesome kids. I work full time too, so obviously 'me time' has been at a minimum over the last 16 - 17 years!
Why do I run: 
I'm trying to drop about 30 pounds (again) and develop a total lifestyle change so that means I will never regain this weight again. I want to challenge my spirit and my body and set a positive example of perseverence and commitment to my kids.
Why I started running: 
I'm at a point in my life where I find myself wanting to try new things, challenge myself and develop a hobby that inspires me, is good for my health and is all about 'me'. Running seemed a perfect fit!