FDFerris's profile   

Gender: Male
Age: 55
Current Weight: 72.6 kg
Location: Boiling Spring Lakes, North Carolina
About me: 
At the end of 2004 and over twenty years of smoking, I’ve finally decided to kick my bad habits and addiction for good. It was very hard at first but I fought through it. I started feeling better as the months and years went by. In 2008 I started jogging, wanting to be and feel healthier for my young children and to be able to keep up with them as they get older. I trained using the Couch-to-5K program and later with the music mix from Podrunner Intervals by Steve Boyett. After I completed the program and worked on my stamina, I’ve come to enjoy running and will continue it for a long time to come. I am using facebook as my main blogging media to share with family and friends. Please leave a thumbs up or a boost to one or many of my entries. It’s a great moral booster. If you would like to follow this and add me as a friend, that would be great. Just let me know your intention so that I may add you to one of my special group.
Why do I run: 
It's something that I can do that makes me feel good. To go out there and just zone out and enjoy my surroundings. Hoping to set a good example for my kids.
Why I started running: 
To do my part in prolonging my health and life as my young children get older.