Dazed's profile   

Gender: Female
Profession: Realtor
Age: 50
Current Weight: 64 kg
Goal Weight: 56.7 kg
Location: Kansas City, MO
About me: 
I'm a easy going chic who enjoys being outside...running just happens to be a great outside activity! I'm a wife & mother of 2 (ages 2 1/2 and 14 months).
Why do I run: 
It just feels good. It makes ME feel good - oh, and it helps me keep (or regain) my sanity!
Why I started running: 
I loved to run when I was a young child, but in Junior High all of my friends were participating in track - only they were doing things like shot-put. The couch suggested that I would be more suited for running events, but I wanted to be with my friends so instead I just quit. Bad choice. Anyway, fast forward to now - about 20 years later & thanks to my little sister (who talked me into doing a 5K last summer) I've once again found running.