staunen2's profile   

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Profession: Teacher
Age: 59
Location: Fairfield, CT
About me: 
I'm a high school History teacher with 3 kids aged 2, 4, and 6. My wife Aimee, who is also a teacher, and I joke that between kids and work stress, we have not slept in a little over seven years (actually, if this is a joke, it's a really bad one because, even though I love my kids and my job, there are times when the crushing lack of sleep feels nearly fatal)
Why do I run: 
Now that my cholesterol is under control, I've found that I really enjoy running longer distances. I ran a first marathon last October and have done a handful of half marathons, not setting land-speed record, but feeling good. I hope to do another marathon this fall.
Why I started running: 
In high school and college, it was to keep in shape for lacrosse, after that it was to avoid a familial propensity for paunch development, since I turned 39, I've gotten more serious for health reasons (high LDL, low HDL, etc ...)