cjonnum's profile   

Profession: Editor
Age: 55
Current Weight: 77.1 kg
Goal Weight: 74.8 kg
Location: Long Beach, CA
About me: 
I'm editor of a motorcycle racing magazine called Road Racer X. I live in Southern California, am married to Viviana from Italy, and have a 7-year-old daughter, Tika, from Nepal.
Why do I run: 
I run for fun, to benefit my physical and mental health, but mainly because it forces me to regularly carve out chunks of time for myself in my busy work and family schedule.
Why I started running: 
I ran in junior high and high school for basketball, ran sporadically after that for fun and fitness, started hashing, ran the 2003 L.A. Marathon without proper training, took a couple years off when I got busy with work and daughter, then started back up seriously in Fall of '09, with the goals of fun, fitness, and running the 2010 L.A. Marathon. I overdid it and suffered a stress fracture, and now that I'm recovered, I'm being more prudent.