mimosa_run's profile   

Gender: Female
Profession: Marketing Consultant
Age: 43
Current Weight: 67.6 kg
Goal Weight: 61.2 kg
Location: Atlanta, GA
Why do I run: 
I love clearing my head... sometimes I like to run with music and jam out and other times it's nice to just have my thoughts. And sometimes my favorite part of running is stopping.
Why I started running: 
I've always been really active but I'm more of a sprinter (I played soccer, forward - sprinting) than a distance runner. My girlfriends dragged me to a 10k in 2008. It was the first time I ever liked distance running and did the same 10k in 2009. Now I'm trying to shave my time down in 2010. I work out a lot, but I am a very sporadic with my runs. I run anywhere between 0-3 times a week :) Additionally, I do treadmill sprints during my workouts three times a week. Trying to get better!